President's Message

Choosing a right University for taking admission in a degree program is quite an arduous task for students and their parents specifically when they are taking admission in undergraduate degree program. You are taking a huge risk and putting your future career at stake if you end up in choosing a wrong University. Hence students and parents do a lot of homework and research before they consider a University as their Alma matter for next couple of years. As you are reading these lines, we understand that you have done your homework pretty well and have decided to put your faith in us for your training and development in the coming years.
JECRC University is known for keeping the promises which it makes to the students and their parents in term of state-of-the-art infrastructure, qualified and committed faculty, serene and academically conducive environment, innovation led research culture, incubation and startup eco-system, beyond the classroom engagement etc. Attractive campus placement is the natural corollary for all students who remain committed to learning. JECRC University has become a brand to reckon with in last eleven years at national level and therefore attracts best faculty members and students.
We, at JECRC University strongly believe that when a student graduates from a University, there must be an affirmative change in her/his knowledge, skills, behavior and attitude in such a manner that she/he is prepared in take the work responsibility at the employer’ send head on. The entire teaching learning eco-system in JECRC University has been designed keeping this principle in mind. The above conviction is strongly reflects in the curriculum, and outside the class activities. There is a complete focus on outcome based education and project based learning.
Once you take admission in JECRC University please be assured that you will be on the right track of your career–building, provided you are committed and career-oriented. I can assure you that you will enjoy your journey with us and achieve whatever goals you set for yourself.
Shri Krishna in Shloka 8 – 12 in Chapter 13 in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita defines KNOWLEDGE as under:
Humility; pridelessness; nonviolence; tolerance; simplicity; approaching a bona fide spiritual master; cleanliness steadiness; self-control; renunciation of the objects of sense gratification; absence of false ego; the perception of the evil of the birth, death, old age and disease; detachment; freedom from entanglement with children, wife, home and the rest; even-mindedness amid pleasant and unpleasant events; constant and unalloyed devotion to Me; aspiring to live in a solitary place; detachment from the general mass of people; accepting the importance of self-realization; and philosophical search for the Absolute Truth – all these I declare to be KNOWLEDGE and besides this whatever there may be is IGNORANCE.
I welcome you to JECRC University for the quest of KNOWLEDGE. Come and build your world.
Prof. Victor Gambhir.
President, JECRC University, Jaipur.