Mandatory Disclosure
NAAC - SSR 2018 | |
UGC Approval Letter | |
Approval Letter of BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA (BCI) | |
Information Submitted to UGC | |
JECRC University, Jaipur ACT-2012 | |
Private Universities Amendment Act-2013 | |
Annual Report 2015-16 | |
Annual Report 2016-17 | |
Annual Report 2017-18 | |
Annual Report 2018-19 | |
Annual Report 2019-20 | |
Capacity Enhancement | |
Code Ethics for Faculty | |
Courses Human Values | |
Feedback Analysis 5 Years | |
Regulations Governing Academic Evaluation Under CGPA Scheme | |
JECRC Ordinances | |
Application for the Recognition of HEI/Programmes under Open and Distance Learning Mode, UGC (ODL) Third Amendment Regulations, 2018, Academic Session 2018-19 | |
Ph.D. Regulations-2017 | |
Plagiarism Policy Document | |
Good Academic Research Practices |
Download |
Equivalence Policy | |
JECRC University (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D.Degrees)Ordinance-2021-Ordinance No.9C | |
Reconstitution of Proctoral Board (2022) | |
Constitution of University Discipline Committee (Office Order 29-3-2022) | |
Discipline Policy | |
Policy for verification of Degree Certificate/Education | |
Revised Equivalence Policy(25-11-2022) | |
Constitution of Students Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC) | |
Policy for Deficient Courses | |
Policy for Verification of Degree Certificate Education | |
Details of various fees for the Examination & Issue of Documents | |
RTI Act 2005 - PIO and Appellate Authorities | |
Anti-Ragging Committee for AY 2024-25. | |
Anti-Ragging Committee and Squad 2024-25 | |
UGC Approval letter and Approval of of School of Law JECRC University,Jaipur by the Bar Council of India for the Academic Year 2023-24 & 2024-25 | |
UGC Approval for open & distance learning Programs for Session 2019-20. | |
Schedule II and Section 4 of JECRC University,Jaipur Act-2012(Act No-15 of 2012)- Approved Disciplines of Study & Research | |
List of Students Enrolled in Session 2023-24 with details-Name,Enrollment Number,Aadhar Number | |
List of Students Enrolled in Session 2024-25 with details-Name,Enrollment Number,Aadhar Number | |
List of Statues | |
Revised Fees for Various Purpose | |
Constitution of Internal Complaints Committee 25-1-2025 | |
Constitution of Equal Opportunity Cell |