Central Lawn
Have a football and want to try your kicks? The central lawn is just the place for you. Besides, what’s better than having a bunch of folks to spend your time playing football (or soccer? Can’t really tell the difference.). And for those cricket fans out there, the central lawn is just as perfect for a cricket match. Otherwise, you can always just sit there and watch them playing… that’s what I do.
The Walk
Sometimes, we just don’t feel like sporting. A calm walk is all we crave. Grab your earphones (or your Air pods, Apple-people) and let yourself out on a walk around the campus. The campus features a footpath everywhere to facilitate just this activity, so why not actually use it?
The evening Mess menu is a mess? Well, you have the Cafeteria right below the Mess, so why mess your already messed up appetite? (Enough of the mess). The cafeteria is the repository of every snack you can crave ever. Noodles, check. Sandwich, check. Coffee, check! A quick evening snack is something nobody would want to miss.
The Niche under a Canopy
The campus is teeming with lush green trees. Make yourself comfortable under one and have a seat on a bench, grab your favorite book and that’s it. You’ve found heaven. This is my personal favorite way to spend an evening. A book in hand, leaves scattered around, occasional chirping of birds and nobody to banter with. What can be possibly better than this? The next one is.
The Hidden Heaven.
Okay, the final one. You see, there’s a Temple right behind the Engineering block.  A great place to be if you’re looking for a silent place to focus or relax. Or a place you can play badminton. Up to you actually. Don’t tell anyone though… It won’t be a silent place then (And I literally wrote about it for the whole world to know). Enjoy!
Akshat Tiwari