All the JECRCians were in complete awe of the grand Jaipur Marathon 2017! Every student was full of zest and was full of sportsman’s spirit.
The remarkable participation of more than 1500 JECRCians highlighted the whole arena with the red JU scarfs.
The event started at 6 AM with 21kms run and what was most enlightening was the fact that 21 JECRCians completed the race in time! Vivek Negi of B.Tech (Electrical), 3rd year was first amongst the Jecrcians to finish the 21 kms run in 1 hour 47 minutes.
Then was the fun run and it went the same as its name! The students danced and ran with full enjoyment and fun. Even our dignitaries Shri. Amit Agrawal, Shri. Arpit Agrawal, Vice Chairman and Dr. D.P. Mishra, President were no where behind and completed the 6 km run with full enthusiasm!