The 2 Day Orientation Program for the new students is concluded. It was held on 31st July & 01st Aug’19 in JECRC University Campus.
New Comers with dreams to build their world came at JECRC University on “Induction Ceremony”.
Today, JECRC University celebrated Induction Day for the Engineering students who are enrolled in branches like Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Computer Science.
The Ceremony started with a warm welcome of freshers by JECRC fraternity.
What else can be better for the freshers that Shri. Amit Agrawal, Vice Chairperson- JECRC blessed them with his wishes and motivated them with the aspiring thoughts to not only to be prolific in their academics but also to be a good human with the values of taking the pride of the nation at a higher level.
He also stated that JECRC is now connected with you as your surname and the virtue of which is to be leaded by the young freshers who are starting their journey today with JECRC University.
The session was followed by the Leadership Team including President, Registrar, Dean Engineering, Director Leadership, SDOs, Head IAESTE and the HODs.
JECRC University organised Induction Ceremony also for Journalism, Design, Management, Science, Hotel Management, Law and IT students for the class of 2019.
Induction Ceremony started with words of blessings by Vice Charperson Shri Amit Agrawal followed by the Leadership Team including President, Registrar, Dean Engineering, Director Leadership, SDOs and the HODs.