Build Your World
School of Sciences

Prof. (Dr.) Widhi Dubey
Department- School of Sciences
M.Sc. (Botany), Ph.D, F.B.S., F.S.A.B.
Experience: 30 Years (Teaching & Research)
Research Area
Plant pathology, Plant nematology & integrated pest management, Pollen allergy, Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of plants.
Journals 45, Books 06, Presentations in Conferences: 35
Research and Development in science plays an important role for better living of mankind. JECRC University is a prestigious institution of Rajasthan and is emerging as a leading university in the country. With highly qualified faculty it provides quality education in science by offering Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral Programs in all disciplines. The university is providing a platform for research and Innovation in science for faculty and research scholars. The University pays more emphasis on strong interaction with the industries to provide job opportunities for the students.
JECRC is one of the fastest growing universities in Rajasthan with a view to give high quality education for the young bright minds of India. We are committed to play a key role in creating an ambience for the creation of new ideas, knowledge and graduates who will be market leaders of tomorrow. In doing so, we hope to make significant contributions to the development of the country and improving quality of life of its citizens. JECRC University consistently attracts the finest faculty and best of students for its Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Programs. It has the required infrastructure & well-equipped laboratories, for hands-on experience. Students are exposed to the most modern and up- to- date curriculum and contemporary developments in various disciplines of science and engineering. In addition to developing excellent scientific and engineering skills our graduates have been moulded into well groomed personalities, given their exposure to working as teams on projects, developing presentation and communication skills and actively participating in extra- curricular activities.
School of Science (SoS) at JECRC University was established in the year 2012 with the aim of creating valuable resources for industry and society through its interventions in creation of research and innovative culture, academic and professional enhancement and cultural enrichment. Faculty of Science mainly focuses on academic integrity and accountability, with respect and tolerance for the views of every individual, and attention to issues of national as well as of global concern, including knowledge of the human sciences.
SoS has strong research based foundation with sustainable development and responsible education, which offers programs in the field of Science at Graduate, Post graduate and Doctoral level. The school is well equipped with workshops, laboratories and library and has qualified faculty members.
- All Faculties are Ph.D holders – A Unique Feature
- Average Teaching Experience – 15+ years
- Research Publications 750 + in SCI, Scopus indexed and UGC Care Listed Journals.
- Scores highest H-Index
- Awarded with most prestigious DAAD Fellowship 2019.
- Impressive Research Collaboration across the National and International institutes in India and abroad.
- Qualitative Contributions to RESEARCH in the front line areas of Basic and Applied Sciences through various research groups surviving with number of research scholars
- Books Publications – 100+ with reputed International & National Publishing Houses like Springer, Taylor& Francis, CRC Press.
- Grants more than of Rs. 1 Crore for Research Projects; Receive extra-mural research projects from various Govt. Funding agencies Like Department of Science & Technology (DST) & Department of Biotechnology (DBT).
- D. Awardees: 31+ Reflected strong motivated platform for Research and Innovation in Science
- Focuses on Student Exchange Program with the Foreign Institutes showcased by maximum international through IAESTE Internships
- Association with International/ and National Academic Societies as Members / Fellows.
- Organizing maximum International & National Scientific Conferences/Seminars – Developed strong base for sharing the research work
- Effective participation in developing MOOCs, SWAYAM & Coursera courses
“6th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Applied Analysis and Computation (ICMMAAC-23)”was organized by Department of Mathematics, JECRC University.
Invited Talks
- Michele Caputo, AccademiaNazionaleLincei University, Italy
- Ravi P. Agarwal, University Blvd. Kingsville, Texas, USA
- Juan Luis Vázquez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
- DumitruBaleanu, Cankaya University, Turkey
- George A. Anastassiou, University of Memphis, USA
- Martin Bohner, MUST (Missouri S&T), USA
- Carlo Cattani, University of Tuscia, Italy
- Jordan Hristov, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Bulgaria
- Mahmoud Abdel-Aty, Mathematics Department, Sohag University, Egypt
- Valentina Emilia Balas, AurelVlaicu University of Arad, Romania
- Carla M.A. Pinto, ISEP, Portugal
- AbdonAtangana, University of the Free State, South Africa
- X. J. Yang, China University of Mining and Technology, China
- Guo-Cheng Wu, Neijiang Normal University, China
- Zakia Hammouch, Moulay Ismail University, Morocco
- J. F. Gomez Aguilar, Tecnol6gico Nacional de Mexico, Mexico
- Haci Mehmet Baskonus, Harran University, Turkey
- AydinSecer, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
- K.S. Nisar, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- WutipholSintunavarat, Thammasat University, Thailand
- JoydevChattopadhyay, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India
- KalyanChakraborty, KSCSTE-Kerala School of Mathematics, Kerala, India
- Balasubramanian Ramani, Lebniz University, Hannover, Germany
- Prof. Gerald Drager, Lebniz University, Hannover, Germany
- Dr. Varun Sharma, Ancient DNA Laboratory, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeo-sciences, Lucknow(UP)
- Dr. Ashish Polkade, Director Bharat Eco Solutions and Technologies, Pune
- Prof. Rob Verpoorte (Natural Products Laboratory, IBL Leiden University) Sylvius Laboratory, POX 9505, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
- Dr. S S katewa, Former Professor, Department of Botany, MLSU, Udaipur
- Prof. Seeram Ramakrishna (FREng. Everest Chair, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- Prof. Bernhard Huchzermeyer, Former Professor, Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany
- Prof. Dr Ramaswamy Subramanian, Director, Bindley Center for Bioscience, Professor of Biomedical Engineering & Professor of Biological Sciences, Purdue University, United States
- Dr. Ramgopal Rao S, Senior Academic Manager, Biocon Academy, Biocon, Bangalore
Department of Botany

Dr.Sonali Pandey
Designation- Professor & HoD
Qualification – Ph.D. (F.B.S.) M.Sc.
Experience – 26 Years(Teaching & Research)
Research Area – Phytoremediation, Phycoremediation Bioremediation & Bioindicators
Publication – Journal Publications 52,Training Workshop 13,FDP =13 Ph.D guided=06, Member Professional Societies 05 Conference Proceedings 04, Books 07
The department aims at providing knowledge and insight about plants, plant biology and the crucial ecological roles of plants. Botany as a subject provides individuals to work in a job that is both, fun to do and benefits others. Cell Biology,Thallophytes, Cryptogams, Morphology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Systematic Taxonomy, Paleobotany, Ecology, Embryology Physiology are speciality subjects of Botany. The new offshoots of Botany are Agronomy, Biotechnology, Plant Breeding, Economic Botany, Forestry, Food Science Technology, Horticulture, Forestry and Plant Pathology. Department of Botany offers Ph.D, Post Graduate & degree course to under graduates & Post Graduate providing them sufficient knowledge in plant sciences. The degree programs combine the teaching of core principles with hands- on laboratory experience, preparing students for exciting careers in industry and academia. Department is enriched with full-time faculty members involved in guiding Ph.D scholars with specialization of research on Aeroallergen of plant origin, Antioxidant potential of plants, identification of plant based food preservatives, Eco-friendly sustained Biofertilizer of microbial origin, Screening of plant and algae with remediation potential towards water and soil pollution. 13 Ph.D scholars had made influential contributions to scientific discovery in the form of publications in the journal of International & National repute. The Department feel proud for producing 13 Ph.D students awarded with DOCTORATE who are progressing in their careers in academia, industry, government and non-governmental organizations.
Students from different countries like Tunisia, Bolivia have also completed their internships in the department under the banner of IAESTE-JU.
Both the faculty members are Ph.D. with teaching and research experience of more than 25 years. They are authors and co-authors of more than 15books from national and international publishing houses. They have more than 100 research papers in the journals of National and International repute. Both are life members and fellow of various National and International Botanical & Microbiology Societies.
Department of biotechnology

Dr. Ekta Menghani
Designation- Professor & HoD
Qualification – Ph.D. (F.B.S.) M.Sc.
Experience – : 23 years
Research Area – Indian Medicinal plants and their biopotentials, Bioinformatics
Publication –97Books Authored : 16
Project – 10 DST (Ongoing & Completed) ; Patent: 6 Women Scientist A, -2012, DST DAAD Awardee -2019, Fellow of Botanical Society-2017, Prof. S. N. Dixit Gold Medal Awardee- 2017, Fellow of Leninian Society – 2022, Eminent Scientist Award 2022
The department is conducting courses at UG, PG & Doctoral level. It has a well-developed facility for Plant Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics. Students works on sophisticated Instruments for qualitative and quantitative analysis. The thrust area of research includes Bioinformatics, Antibiofilm efficacy, Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials, Plant Genomics and molecular markers, Bio-remediation of hydrocarbon and petroleum contaminated soil, fungal biodiversity studies for bio-active compounds, Indian Medicinal Plants and their biopotentials as therapeutic targets, Plant Secondary metabolite and Tissue Culture in department of biotechnology.
The Department faculty has also been contributing to high quality research in the front-line areas of Biotechnology. Faculty members also collaborate with scientists from Institutes in India and abroad. Faculty members have their research groups including Ph.D. students, and they receive extramural research projects in their respective area of research from various Govt. funding agencies. Faculty also granted with six patents. 10 Ph.D. degrees have been awarded in Biotechnology Department. Our alumni are at Biocon, a leading Bio-Pharmaceutical Company at Bengaluru, Bioinformatician at Mass, Eye and Ear Boston, Massachusetts, Cryoviva Biotech Private Limited and also at People Scou, Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland and so on and so forth.
Prof. Ekta Menghani bagged with Pro- President Grant of International Research Visit from 16th November to 20th December, 2022, for Institute of Organic Chemistry, Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany. During this visit she met with galaxy of scientists and interacted with great personalities like Prof. Dr. Gerald Drager and Prof. Dr. Andreas Kirschnirg, Humboldt fellow, Dean, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Leibniz University; Prof. Dr. Russell Cox, Synthetic Biology; Prof. Dr. Regina Nogueira, water and waste water biology; Prof. Dr. Bernhard Huchzermeyer, Former Head, Department of Botany, Leibniz University; Prof. Dr. Tuba Esatbeyoglu, Executive Director, Institute of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Dr. Birgit Barden Laufer, Director International Office, Dr. Bala Ramani. She was also invited as Women Scientist in Women Science Congress at Indian Science Congress 2023. It was organized at Nagpur University, Nagpur with the presence of Madam Ada E. Yonath, a 2008 laureate of the L’Oreal UNESCO for women in science awards and Noble Prize winner in Chemistry in 2009 for pioneering discoveries on the structure and function of ribosomes, the protein synthesizer in cells.
Dr. Birgit Barden Laufer, Director International Office and Dr. Bala Ramani Advisor, Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany visited JECRC University on 22nd and 23rd July 2023 for Internationalization of Education pertaining to role of quality education transfer between both the Universities. They signed MOU Signed for International Exchange for faculty and students, research project partnerships and other advanced upskilling.
Unique initiative to enhance the quality education for training the teachers program Prof. Hardik Pathak signed MOU with UGC HRDC, Jodhpur to promote and improve academics trainings, faculty development program, faculty induction program and refresher course to felicitate faculty.
Prof. Ruchi Seth organized one-week Interdisciplinary Faculty Development Programme on “Microsoft Tools for Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environment” in Department of Biotechnology, School of Sciences under the aegis of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of JECRC University of Jaipur in association with Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Advanced Technology (R-CAT) under the aegis of Government of Rajasthan from July 10th to 14th, 2023. Dr. Shamkant B. Badgujar, Senior Principal Scientist (R&D Division) Bharat Serum and Vaccine Limited, Navi Mumbai visited and gave presentation on Wate to Good: Way to Wealth to all the new students during Orientation 2023.
Department of Biotechnology in collaboration with Science Technology and Innovation Hub, JU (Under the auspices banner of Ministry of Education and SEED Division, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India) celebrated International Year of Millets (IYoM 2023) for science students to provide a cohesive environment of learning and sensitizing about the Millets of Rajasthan. Wherein the department has conducted various events for the students on Millet including Quiz competition, Poster competition, Millet Recipe contest, and two training programs like preparation of nanoparticles using millet and bioinformatics tools to develop into the genetic and protein makeup of millets, emphasizing their conservation from 16th to 19th October 2023.
Dr. Mamta Kumawat invited in Sakura Science Exchange program 2023 funded by Japan science and technology, University of Miyazaki, Japan. During her visit she got the opportunity to interact with different scientists like Dr. Harish kumar Madhyastha, Dr. Radha Madhyastha, Prof. Dr. Nozomi Watanabe and many more. Department of Biotechnology focused on quality Internships at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Translation Health Science and Technology Institute, Delhi (THSTI), Zydus Cadila, Amul, IIT Jodhpur, NCCS Pune, etc.
Department of mathematics

Dr. Jagdev Singh
Designation- Professor & HoD
Qualification – Ph.D.
Experience – :18 Years and 6 Months
Research Area – Fractional Calculus, Mathematical Modeling, Fractional Differential Equations, Applied Analysis, Special Functions, Numerical Methods and Analytical Methods
Publication –Journal Publications 256, Books and Special Issues Edited: 22, Invited talks in Conference/Workshops/FDPs: 21, Presentation in conference: 28, Patent: 05, Project: 03
The Department of Mathematics keeps pace with the advances in technology, by providing all the students with separate and state-of-the art facilities. The Department of Mathematics comprises of highly qualified and research oriented faculty members. The faculties of the department have published research papers in various national and international journals of repute with high impact factor. Prof. Jagdev Singh, HOD, Department of Mathematics, his citations are 8783 with H-index of 55. He has been ranked among the top 2% World Scientists in the career-long and single year impact by scientists of Stanford University, USA, in 2020, 2021 and 2022. He received precious International award “Obada Prize 2021”. He received Riemann Award for Young Scientist in the International conference at Biruni University, Instanbul, Turkey, December 4-6, 2020. Members of the department are guiding many research scholars and various research projects have been completed and a few more in the process. Emphasis is given to aspects such as mathematics as a means of communication in the scientific, technical and commercial world.
The Department regularly organizes national and international conferences, FDP’s, seminars and lectures. The students get the opportunity to attend seminars and lectures from new areas of interest addressed by eminent mathematicians, faculty members from NIT, IIT and from other reputed institutes around the globe. Several eminent mathematicians visit the Department from time-to- time and collaborate with the faculty members of the Department. The students gain knowledge of various new areas of research using internet facilities made available in their labs. The Department has an active Mathematics Club which regularly organizes quizzes, debates and other fun learning Mathematical activities. The Department of Mathematics offer a variety of undergraduate programs, postgraduate program as well as a doctoral research program in different branches of Pure and Applied Mathematics for highly motivated students looking to pursue an academic or industrial career in Mathematics.
“6th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Applied Analysis and Computation (ICMMAAC-23)” was organized by Department of Mathematics, JECRC University on 3-5 August, 2023.
Department of chemistry

Prof. (Dr.) SonuPareek
Designation- Professor & HoD
Qualification –M.Sc., Ph.D., NET, P.G. Diploma in Environmental Sciences
Experience – 22years
Research Area –Synthesis of Biologically important Heterocyclic derivatives, Water quality analysis and Treatment.
Publication –Journal Publications:-10, Presentation in Conference30, Books Authored: 5
The chemistry department has a highly efficient team. Our faculty believes that research is a vital component in education. Scientific research usually involves a question, investigation of that question, and finally, communication of the discovery. The department has organized various National conferences/workshops on regular basis. The Chemistry department has well- equipped laboratories with equipments like UV- VIS Spectrophotometer, pH Meter, Polarograph, Digital Conductivity Meter, Electronic Balance, Double Distillation Plant, Bomb Colorimeter, Fluorescence spectroscopy instrument, etc. Most often, scientific investigations involve both literature searches and planned experiments. Since, we have a good team of faculty members having a proven academic as well as research credentials with world class international publications in their field of specialization; we are offering a very good doctoral program in Chemistry.
Scope of the subject
Chemistry is the ‘Game of a single electron’. Chemistry plays a key role in solving scientific, economic, environmental and societal problems, which are connected with the basic question how to guarantee the sustainability of our planet. It tends to focus on the properties of substance and the interactions between different types of matter. In more formal terms chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it can undergo. So understanding the basic properties of matter and learning how to predict and explain how they change, when they react to form new substances is what chemistry and chemists are all about. Chemistry is not limited to beakers and laboratories. Increasing our knowledge in chemistry is essential if we want to improve our daily lifestyle. Chemistry is a job oriented course. Chemistry is a significant component in all emerging industries based on energy, medicine, biotechnology, textile, cement, metallurgy, nanotechnology, agrochemicals and materials and techniques for National defence research programs.
Department of zoology

Dr. (Mrs.) Rajesh Yadav
Designation- Professor & HoD
Qualification – Ph.D, M. Sc
Experience – 24 years
Research Area – Reproductive Toxicology, Bioremediation, Biopesticides, Food Microbiology & Environmental Microbiology
Publication – Journal Publications: 25, Presentation in Conference :25 Books Authored :08, Patents Published:02
The department is offering courses at UG, PG & Doctoral level. Zoology is the science which deals with study of animals and their existence in the environment. It encompasses the structure, anatomy, characteristics, behaviour and distribution, mode of nutrition, physiology, genetics and evolution of animal species. In short, it is the branch of science where animals, their structures, development and classification are studied. The subject tells us how animals think, why they act the way they do, where they live and why, how they have adapted to the environment and much more. The curriculum of Zoology is designed to equip the students in life sciences with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in various aspects of animal Biology. The curriculum endeavours to prepare students in a wide range of science-based skills that provide the learning base for future careers in disciplines such as health sciences, agriculture, environment management, the emerging biotechnologies, publishing, teaching, research and consultancy.
The Department has excellent Lab facilities for the study of animal behaviour, developmental biology, physiological, biochemical, microbial and animal biotechnology related exercises, and latest scientific instruments. Study and hands-on laboratory experience of all these enable the students to learn the basic techniques in animal experimentation, enhance their confidence and prepare them for exciting careers in industry and academia. The Department also organizes guest lectures and different events time to time to make students aware of nature, wildlife and recent advancements in the fieldThe faculty of the department are Ph.D. with teaching and research experience of more than 23 years, have published more than 100 research papers in Journals of National and International repute and are life members of various National and International professional societies. They are actively engaged in research, with full time Ph.D. Scholars and foreign Interns pursuing research on various topicsviz. toxicity in animals/insects, microbial contamination of animal products, bio-deterioration of cultural heritages, Biopesticides, bioremediation, biodiversity and wildlife conservation etc. Two Students have been awarded Ph.D. Degrees and few more students are pursuing Ph.D. degree in the Department. The faculty of the department has also received 3 National and 3 International awards in academics and research.
Department of Forensic Science

Ms. Vaishnavi Thakre
Designation- HOD & Assistant Professor-II
Qualification – PhD Pursuing, M.Sc., NET (Forensic Science)
Experience – 5 Years
Research Area –Fingerprints and Questioned Documents, Forensic Biology
Publication – Journal 04, Presentations in Conference 02 Papers, Posters 11, Conference Attended – National 06, International 07, Workshops 07, Seminars 02, Symposium 01, Invited Lectures – 04
About Forensic Science
Forensic Science has always fascinated students as well as professionals. With rapidly increasing crime rate in society, the demand of forensic science and thus the value of forensic experts have reached the heights. Considering the factual scenario, we at JU aim to make and shape up our students as per the demands of the field and the employer.
Our USPs
- Curriculum as per NEP with Digital and Cyber Forensics
- Opportunity to earn Degree with Specialization
- Faculties having industry and academic experience
- Opportunities of internships for industry experience
- Visit to State Forensic Laboratory, and other industrial visits
- Regular interactions with industry experts
- Opportunities to participate in National and International Conferences of Forensics
- Opportunities for organizing National and International Events
- Well established Forensic Laboratory
- Innovative classroom activities fostering investigative skills of students
Invited Lectures by Renowned Forensic Experts
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Forensic science helps to develop the analytical skills necessary to process and evaluate evidence in a criminal investigation. The programme focuses more upon developing the investigative perspective of the student and promoting their ideas and insights by engaging the learner in research and project activities which would be more of a practical exposure. The newly designed curriculum as per upgraded education policy, gives learner an opportunity to work upon scientific methodologies of investigation. At the end of this course, they will be able to find themselves as a competent student to understand the science of investigation. A strong base and versatility is always valued and thus, the syllabus of Forensic science has been designed in correlation with the syllabus of NTA NET examination in order to make the students competent enough to qualify the exam and ensure excellent academic record.
Forensic Science is a multi-disciplinary subject which encompasses various fields of science such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Social Science, Engineering and Law. Forensic science serves as a scientific testimony for the investigation of criminal and civil case sand convictions. During this programme, the student also learns about basic to advanced forensic science, Crime Scene Investigation, Fingerprint Examination, Questioned Documents Examination, Visit to forensic labs and other departments and much more! ! The various discipline electives in the form of tracks that are offered in the curriculum give student an opportunity to choose among them as per his/her choice wherein the student is able to learn those respective subjects at little bit advanced level. Also, if the student chooses all the subjects of the same track the student is able to earn the degree with that particular specialization such as advanced forensic medicine, advanced forensic toxicology, advanced forensic psychology and forensic biotechnology etc.
B.Sc. Forensic science study develops the skills to understand Criminal Psychology as well as effective implementation of Laws for a safe society. Thus, the program offers both theoretical and practical knowledge in every area of criminalities and also provides an understanding of investigative science, ability to deal with the evidences, ability to process the crime scene, understanding of justice system and a strong academic base for future career prospects.
Department of microbiology

Prof. (Dr.) Varsha Gupta
Designation – Professor & HOD
Qualification – M.Sc. Zoology (Gold Medalist), M.Sc. (Science of Living Yoga Meditation), SLET, Ph.D. (Life Science), 26 Years of Teaching & Research Experience
Research Area – Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Toxicology, Wildlife Techniques- Identification of Animals.
Publication – Journal Publications: 57, Conference Proceedings :03, Workshops :12, Paper Presentation in National and International Conferences: 27, Workshop/ Invited Lecture organized: 07, Patent Published: 02, Copy registered: 01
Microbiology is a field of science devoted to the study of organisms that are too small to see, and therefore an engaging laboratory experience is often the key to capturing students’ interest. The scientific discipline of ‘Microbiology’ is one of the most critical components of modern day science and increase demand for microbiologists in India and globally. The Department of Microbiology was established in the year 2012 as one of the Department under Faculty of Science to impart quality education in the field of Microbiology and to create trained microbiologist. The department aims to familiarize students with fundamental concept of basic techniques, their applications and is conducting courses at Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral levels. All degree programs combine the teaching of core principles with hands-on laboratory experience, preparing students for exciting careers in industry and academia. In this context, microbiology laboratory is designed based on the biosafety level 1 with strictly prescribed rules for personal and environmental safety.
Research conducted by the faculty is a vital part of responsibility and contributes significantly to the graduation and post-graduation programs. Two patents and one copy right have been published by the faculty members recently. Various workshops conducted on bioinformatics, bio safety guidelines, role of microbiology in recent world at department levels. . Microfiesta 2023, an exciting event organized by the Department of Microbiology for students from schools and universities. This event is designed to provide an interactive and engaging platform for students to learn more about the fascinating world of microbiology. Department MOUs with various industries. Five Students have been awarded and many more students pursuing Ph.D. degree in the Department of Microbiology. The main focus of research in the department in the field of Medical Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology Extremophiles Diversity (Thermophiles & Halophiles), Enzymology, Microbial Proteomics with various specializations like MRSA, Antimicrobial activity, Secondary metabolites, Hepatitis, Influenza, Dermatophytes, Bio deterioration of cultural heritage, Bioremediation of textile effluents, Biosurfactants, Biocementing, Microbial Fuel Cells etc. After completion of research in this stream microbiologists become eligible for Post-doctoral courses, Research and Development of various sectors i.e. food, environment and health as well work as entrepreneur.
Potential Placements: Industry, Academia and Research TCS (Life Science), INTAS Pharmaceutical, National Institute of Virology (NIV, PUNE), MLSU, Firscon
Proud Alumni@ International Universities i.e. International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS), University of Leeds, UK, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, US, Friedrich Schiller University, Gothe University.
Department of Physics

Dr. Pranav Saxena
Designation – Professor & HOD
Qualification – : Ph.D., M.Phil., M.Sc.
Research Area – High Energy Physics Phenomenology
Publication – 22
Books Authored – 05
The department of Physics is continuously putting more efforts at both academics and research fronts in School of Sciences. Department focuses on aligning the teaching and learning experience for its students with research values and practices of the university in blended mode. Department is strengthened with faculty members having wide range in research specializations and thus offers PhD program in the field of Solar Astronomy, Material Science, Composite Materials, Thin Films, Plasma Physics, Hydrogen Energy, Nuclear Physics and Microwave Electronics. Department is enriched with potential excellence having wide teaching experience, highly qualified from various institutions of national or international repute. Continuous contribution is on swing and numbers of research publications have been published by the faculty members in international SCOPUS / SCI Indexed or in peer reviewed journals.
The department of Physics is now equipped with R&D Material Science Lab. The objectives of this R&D lab are, (i) to boost up the research work with quality publications, (ii) to inculcate the research temperament in graduate-undergraduate students to develop them as young researchers (to meet the NEP-20 challenges) and also provide a research environment for flourishing their innovative ideas. Establishment of this lab will provide a window to the researchers and students to have experiential learning by doing and make them globally competent.
At Graduate level, department is running MSc (Physics) program with the specialization in various fields, where the students are groomed well with the exposures at reputed organizations like ISRO, DAE, Solar Observatories, Forensic Science (State Govt.), Ministry of Earth Sciences, and other research institutes for their project work. Under student exchange program (IAESTE), frequent opportunities are available for the students for doing internship across the country or globe.
The physics courses offered are oriented to the various goals that students may achieve in studying physics. Department also offers number of courses in other degree programs like Forensic Sciences, BSc (Law), and electives for other non-physics Honors program. In BTech program, department delivers a comprehensive knowledge on Modern Physics including the cutting edge technologies like Nanotechnology, Spintronics and Quantum computing and photonics justifies the importance of Physics in engineering. Beyond the curriculum, department encourages the students to grab the internship offered in summer research program by different research or academic institutions. Best efforts are done to felicitate the theory through the well – equipped laboratories.
Department emphasizes on nurturing the physics in young generations through the exposures of invited talks by eminent speakers from well reputed institutions like NASA, BARC, PRL, IUCAA (Pune), IITM (Pune), Department of Ministry and Earth Sciences, BITS (Pilani), IITs etc.. The motivational academic environment inspires the students for higher studies either at abroad or at national level in states/universities as well constantly guide the students for qualifying the JAM/JEST/NET or other competitive civil services examinations.
School of Sciences offering the following mentioned below programmes:
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