Build Your World
School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Prof. (Dr.) N.D. Mathur
Designation- Dean and Professor
Department- School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Ph.D. “Price Policy in Public Enterprises” M.Phil. (Economics) M.A. (Economics), M.Com (Economic Administration)
Research Area- Public Policy Management
Books: 07, Research Paper: 70, Seminar/ Conference: 100, FDP/ MOOC: 75
The ultimate goal of human life is the pursuit of knowledge and contentment. This attainment is not achieved through material gains but through constant learning and treading the unexplored. Humanities and Social Sciences is a knowledge domain that provides the conducive environment towards the realization of wisdom and salvation. The world is full of humans and not all of them are humane. In today’s technologically advanced world, humanity has become a skill which Arts and Humanities can inculcate in the individual. Humanities gives us an insight into situations and develop the skills to tackle them in a better manner.
School of Humanities and Social Sciences at JECRC University fosters these human values through teachings and learnings, competitions and experiences, and develops a tolerant and forbearing attitude towards oneself and others. We welcome the class of 2024-25 where lifelong engagement with life, humanity and success will begin.
Best Wishes!!
The School of Humanities and Social Sciences focuses on the holistic development of the students. Holistic is an all encompassing term which includes intellectual, material and spiritual dimensions of learning. We aim to create and nurture students who can compete with the challenges of the contemporary world. This encyclopaedic extent is achieved through following unique features:
- International benchmarkingand recurrent review of Syllabi
- Qualified Faculty
- Internships in every alternate semester
- Experiential and activity based learning with “Creativity Cell”, “Happiness Cell”, “Reasoning Cell” and “Cell Politika”
- A 15 days ‘Bridge Course’ at the commencement of the new academic session so as to facilitate the reading and understandingof Humanities for the students from other streams.
Department of English
Dr. Ruchida Barman
Head, Department of English
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
“Thus, literature, together with language, preserves and protects a nation’s soul.”
-Aleksandr Solzehnitsyn
The Department of English offers under-graduate, post graduate and doctoral programs in English Language and Literature. The courses of each program are meticulously designed, within the purview of comprehensive approach, skill enhancement and employment opportunities. We offer specialization courses like Language and Linguistics, World Literature, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, etc at graduate and post-graduate levels. Foundation courses like Communication Skills, Linguistics, Business Communication, Soft-Skills, and Compositionare created to enhance the competence of the students and make them profession ready. The program objective is primarily achieved through classroom and experiential learning. Practical exposure is provided through Language Lab Sessions, Creative Writing Workshops, Group Discussions and Personal Interview Sessions, Soft-Skills Workshops, etc.
The study of English is a protean activity. Literature study delves into the realm of History, Social Criticism, Politics, Philosophy, Performing Arts, and Artistic Appreciation. Department of English at JECRC University aspires to build a solid foundation for developing a multi-disciplinary approach towards educating the self. Contemporary periodicals provide a sociological testament, plus a host of miscellaneous information, from music to medicine.
Our English Language courses are ideal for analytical minds who want to delve into the science of language – an everyday phenomenon that impacts our lives on an individual and a global scale. The student will acquire the skills required for analytical language study alongside the means to apply those skills to the study of historical and present-day English.
We strongly believe in the adage of practicing what you preach. The dynamic and indefatigable spirit of the department has always conquered the hurdles with élan and ease. The pandemic and other such contingencies have indeed strengthened our resolve to serve humanity to the best of our capabilities.
Career Options:
Fiction writers, Scriptwriters, Poets, Social Media, Promoters, Moderators, Anchors, Tourist Guides, Linguists, Orators, News Readers, Translators, Interpreters, Voice Modulators, Motivational Speakers, Academicians- Teachers, Lecturers, Back up for Civil Services, Defence Services, Communicators for the Professional World
We work on the philosophy of “VasudhaivaKutumbakam”. The wonder of Words, popularly known by the acronym WoW, is an annual literary bonanza that witnesses the eminent presence of writers, bloggers, directors, theatre artists, poets and other literary laureates.The event is the collaborative endeavour.The 9th edition of JU WoW was organised in March 2021. This edition of WoW was different from the previous editions as it was organised in the virtual mode. This edition was graced with the presence of Mr. Ajay Sood, Prof. Annie Zaidi, Mr. Abhishek Mudgal and Mr. Ravikant Sharma.
Creativity Cell:
“Creativity Cell” is executed by the Department of English. This cell aims at increasing the creativity quotient through various literary, linguistic and people skills pursuits. It conducts literary activities like MujheLikhne Do, KhatLikh De, Twitterature, Reflection on a Book, Review Khidki, BindassBol, which focus on writing, public speaking and media handling skills.
- To enhance the overall Creativity index of the society at large.
- To hone the four basic skills of language i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing to improve performance in various competitive exams like ILETS, TOFEL, and others.
- To enhance the sense of imagination and creativity to develop expression and optimism.
- To develop a creative environment to provide training to students, faculties and associated members to promote Arts at large and satisfaction of creation in all possible forms.
The creativity cell has organized and hosted many successful events and sessions in both offline and online mode. Some of which are, Live whatsapp Quiz, Tussle with Puzzle, Blogging made easy, Spill the Ink, Touchstones of the society, Taboo Talks with teens, We-Rus-Tea, Carnivelsque: A Virtual Fresher’s Party, Express-O, SunoKahani, Lit Jam and others. This coming year we plan to conduct workshops for honing the listening and writing skills of students along with other activities like Review Khidki, Black-out Poetry, Art Mela and others. A workshop on How to make Podcasts is also in line.
Department of Psychology
Dr. Harshita Kumar
Coordinator, Department of Psychology
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
“We are what we are because we have been what we have been, and what is needed for solving the problems of human life and motives is not moral estimates but more knowledge.”
–Sigmund Freud
Psychology is the study of people’s behaviour, performance, and mental operations. It also refers to the application of the knowledge, which can be used to understand events, treat mental health issues, emotional issues, workplace conflict, and improving relationships. The subject lies at the intersection of applied, educational, and theoretical science. In its primary form, psychology studies people—who and what they are. Everything a person does is connected to the subject. Psychology allows people to understand more about how the body and mind work together. This knowledge can help with decision-making and avoiding stressful situations. It can help with time management, setting and achieving goals, and living effectively.
Times have come where we need more mental health practitioners with mental health advocates than ever. Students enroll in psychology courses to utilize the degree as the foundation for graduate degrees in psychology or other disciplines; others use its benefits to enter the workforce in areas involving diagnosing & treating mental health issues which are so prevalent.
The Department offers under-graduate, post graduate and doctoral programs in Psychology. Our curriculum is designed to offer an inter-disciplinary approach in teaching and learning hence it significantly contributes to the areas of Research, Psychological Testing, community outreach and extension activities. We offer specialization courses like Indian Psychology, Positive Psychology, Media Psychology, Gender and Sexuality etc at graduate and post graduate levels. Department also runs its activity cell “Happiness Cell” & has also established “Human Lab” to provide counseling to the students as well as the faculty on campus with the help of the senior students of the department.
Career Options:
Clinical, Community & Neuropsychologist, Career & Vocational Counselors, Organizational HR Recruiters, Forensic & Criminal Mental Health Professionals, Psychotherapists, Marriage and Family Therapist, Special Educators & Social Workers, UNICEF/ UNESCO Project Managers, Military Psychologist & DRDO Research Analysts
Happiness Cell
This Cell is supervised by the Department of Psychology and aims at increasing the happiness index of our society and nation. It conducts counseling and workshops at individual and community level.
- To develop a psychological gym to provide training to the students, faculty and other associated members to cultivate
- Happiness and subjective well being.
- To develop character strengths and virtues of students for developing optimism and state of flow.
- To enhance sense of meaning and purpose to develop goal setting attitude and positivity.
- To increase overall Happiness Index and quality of life.
Happiness Cell conducts different activities based on psycho dramatic techniques and positive psychology. It has already conducted and hosted many successful events some of which are, Write a Click, An online interactive session with Mr. DevenderTak, Carnivelesque: A Virtual Fresher’s Party, Patangbaaz-E, The Rainbow Hope, Jaisi Drishti WaisiSrishti. In the coming year happiness cell will be hosting social outreach programs for improving mental health of individuals, Crisis Counselling activities and work for cultivating happiness through Social Relationships. A Workshop on “Behind the Rainbow: Understanding Psychotherapies” and a seminar on Celebrating Life are also in line.
Department of Political Science
Ms. Anju Gupta
Coordinator, Department of Political Science
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
“The method of Political science is the interpretation of life, its instrument is insight, a nice understanding of subtle, unformulated conditions.”
-Woodrow Wilson
The Department of Political Science is the latest addition to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. It was established in the Year 2021, with an objective to promote the understanding of the social sciences and their relation to the real life. Politics is all around us. Aristotle called it the “master science” because it influences all aspects of human life: what we can do, what we can say, where we can live, even what we can eat. There is no escaping politics, but we can discover more effective ways to use it by studying Political Science.
The Department offers under-graduate program in Political ScienceThe program emphasizes on method learning, both quantitative and qualitative. There are courses which introduce the student with distribution and dynamics of power – both at the macro and micro level. We teach how to do research, using data analysis and statistics method, to explore the politics that surrounds us. Students are thus equipped with practical skills they can use outside the classroom. The Department of Political Science encourages students to explore the connections between the major and other disciplines, by cross-listing courses across departments and by encouraging students to ask questions that are not constrained by disciplinary boundaries.
Career Options:
Civil Services, Political Analyst, Legislative Assistant, Social Media Manager, Political Journalist, Marketing Research Analyst, Intelligence Analyst, Academician, Public Relations Specialist, Political Scientist
Cell Politika
Department of Political Science has its own Cell- “Cell Politika” which organizes talks/lectures/seminars on the contemporary and relevant themes in Indian and international politics by eminent speakers. With its aim on bringing holistic development and inculcating confidence into the student, the department does various academic and extra-curricular activities in which the students play a leading role.The Cell arranges field visits for experiential learning.
- The students are a part of “Unnat Bharat Abhyaan” to gain crucial knowledge and nuances of their working through actual interaction.
- Students have participated in Model Youth Parliaments and discussions.
Best Practices:
- The School of Humanities and Social Sciences offers online paid internships to the school students in various domains such as Creative writing, Employability Enhancement Skills, Data Collection & Analysis and Personality and Self Assessment, where the students are trained in specific ways to enhance the skills related to the particular domain which will help them to achieve their future endeavours.
- Research can find answers to things that are unknown, filling gaps in knowledge and changing the way that professionals work. In addition to training the students in the subject, we focus on developing research oriented vision in them. For this purpose the School has proposed Research Orientation Workshops, where the students of the University would be trained to conduct research in their specific discipline and write research papers/articles for the same.
- Practical execution of concepts widens the scope of understanding in the children. To promote the same the School of Humanities and Social Sciences conducts various surveys and projects to give their students an insight into the application of theories and concepts that they read in the class room. Some of these are:
- Pollution taxes :- A case study on abatement of Factories nearby JECRC University
- Blogscape: A blogging project to endorse tourism in Rajasthan
- Spreading Smiles: An endeavour to spread happiness among the senior citizens in rural areas BaazaarVichaar: A survey on Consumer Behaviour in Super Markets
- Satkaar-Ace: A Grooming workshop for the Hospitality Staff
- Conscious Periods: A case study on Physiological changes during PMS
To advance the career prospects of youth who have the potential for high-ranking Civil Service placement but cannot afford the expensive coaching available only in big cities, the Department of Political Science has initiated “JECRC Centre for Civil Services Preparation” for the Under Graduate students of the University.
Department of Liberal Studies
Courses :
B.A. Liberal Studies with Major (International Relations & Diplomacy)
B.A. Liberal Studies with Major (Linguistics)
The School of Humanities and Social Sciences focuses on the holistic development of the students. Holistic is an all encompassing term which includes intellectual, material and spiritual dimensions of learning. We aim to create and nurture students who can compete with the challenges of the contemporary world. This encyclopaedic extent is achieved through following unique features:
- International benchmarkingand recurrent review of Syllabi
- Qualified Faculty
- Internships in every alternate semester
- Experiential and activity based learning with “Creativity Cell”, “Happiness Cell”, “Reasoning Cell” and “Cell Politika”
- A 15 days ‘Bridge Course’ at the commencement of the new academic session so as to facilitate the reading and understandingof Humanities for the students from other streams.
Department of English
Dr. Ruchida Barman
Head, Department of English
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
“Thus, literature, together with language, preserves and protects a nation’s soul.”
-Aleksandr Solzehnitsyn
The Department of English offers under-graduate, post graduate and doctoral programs in English Language and Literature. The courses of each program are meticulously designed, within the purview of comprehensive approach, skill enhancement and employment opportunities. We offer specialization courses like Language and Linguistics, World Literature, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, etc at graduate and post-graduate levels. Foundation courses like Communication Skills, Linguistics, Business Communication, Soft-Skills, and Compositionare created to enhance the competence of the students and make them profession ready. The program objective is primarily achieved through classroom and experiential learning. Practical exposure is provided through Language Lab Sessions, Creative Writing Workshops, Group Discussions and Personal Interview Sessions, Soft-Skills Workshops, etc.
The study of English is a protean activity. Literature study delves into the realm of History, Social Criticism, Politics, Philosophy, Performing Arts, and Artistic Appreciation. Department of English at JECRC University aspires to build a solid foundation for developing a multi-disciplinary approach towards educating the self. Contemporary periodicals provide a sociological testament, plus a host of miscellaneous information, from music to medicine.
Our English Language courses are ideal for analytical minds who want to delve into the science of language – an everyday phenomenon that impacts our lives on an individual and a global scale. The student will acquire the skills required for analytical language study alongside the means to apply those skills to the study of historical and present-day English.
We strongly believe in the adage of practicing what you preach. The dynamic and indefatigable spirit of the department has always conquered the hurdles with élan and ease. The pandemic and other such contingencies have indeed strengthened our resolve to serve humanity to the best of our capabilities.
Career Options:
Fiction writers, Scriptwriters, Poets, Social Media, Promoters, Moderators, Anchors, Tourist Guides, Linguists, Orators, News Readers, Translators, Interpreters, Voice Modulators, Motivational Speakers, Academicians- Teachers, Lecturers, Back up for Civil Services, Defence Services, Communicators for the Professional World
We work on the philosophy of “VasudhaivaKutumbakam”. The wonder of Words, popularly known by the acronym WoW, is an annual literary bonanza that witnesses the eminent presence of writers, bloggers, directors, theatre artists, poets and other literary laureates.The event is the collaborative endeavour.The 9th edition of JU WoW was organised in March 2021. This edition of WoW was different from the previous editions as it was organised in the virtual mode. This edition was graced with the presence of Mr. Ajay Sood, Prof. Annie Zaidi, Mr. Abhishek Mudgal and Mr. Ravikant Sharma.
Creativity Cell:
“Creativity Cell” is executed by the Department of English. This cell aims at increasing the creativity quotient through various literary, linguistic and people skills pursuits. It conducts literary activities like MujheLikhne Do, KhatLikh De, Twitterature, Reflection on a Book, Review Khidki, BindassBol, which focus on writing, public speaking and media handling skills.
- To enhance the overall Creativity index of the society at large.
- To hone the four basic skills of language i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing to improve performance in various competitive exams like ILETS, TOFEL, and others.
- To enhance the sense of imagination and creativity to develop expression and optimism.
- To develop a creative environment to provide training to students, faculties and associated members to promote Arts at large and satisfaction of creation in all possible forms.
The creativity cell has organized and hosted many successful events and sessions in both offline and online mode. Some of which are, Live whatsapp Quiz, Tussle with Puzzle, Blogging made easy, Spill the Ink, Touchstones of the society, Taboo Talks with teens, We-Rus-Tea, Carnivelsque: A Virtual Fresher’s Party, Express-O, SunoKahani, Lit Jam and others. This coming year we plan to conduct workshops for honing the listening and writing skills of students along with other activities like Review Khidki, Black-out Poetry, Art Mela and others. A workshop on How to make Podcasts is also in line.
Department of Psychology
Dr. Harshita Kumar
Coordinator, Department of Psychology
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
“We are what we are because we have been what we have been, and what is needed for solving the problems of human life and motives is not moral estimates but more knowledge.”
–Sigmund Freud
Psychology is the study of people’s behaviour, performance, and mental operations. It also refers to the application of the knowledge, which can be used to understand events, treat mental health issues, emotional issues, workplace conflict, and improving relationships. The subject lies at the intersection of applied, educational, and theoretical science. In its primary form, psychology studies people—who and what they are. Everything a person does is connected to the subject. Psychology allows people to understand more about how the body and mind work together. This knowledge can help with decision-making and avoiding stressful situations. It can help with time management, setting and achieving goals, and living effectively.
Times have come where we need more mental health practitioners with mental health advocates than ever. Students enroll in psychology courses to utilize the degree as the foundation for graduate degrees in psychology or other disciplines; others use its benefits to enter the workforce in areas involving diagnosing & treating mental health issues which are so prevalent.
The Department offers under-graduate, post graduate and doctoral programs in Psychology. Our curriculum is designed to offer an inter-disciplinary approach in teaching and learning hence it significantly contributes to the areas of Research, Psychological Testing, community outreach and extension activities. We offer specialization courses like Indian Psychology, Positive Psychology, Media Psychology, Gender and Sexuality etc at graduate and post graduate levels. Department also runs its activity cell “Happiness Cell” & has also established “Human Lab” to provide counseling to the students as well as the faculty on campus with the help of the senior students of the department.
Career Options:
Clinical, Community & Neuropsychologist, Career & Vocational Counselors, Organizational HR Recruiters, Forensic & Criminal Mental Health Professionals, Psychotherapists, Marriage and Family Therapist, Special Educators & Social Workers, UNICEF/ UNESCO Project Managers, Military Psychologist & DRDO Research Analysts
Happiness Cell
This Cell is supervised by the Department of Psychology and aims at increasing the happiness index of our society and nation. It conducts counseling and workshops at individual and community level.
- To develop a psychological gym to provide training to the students, faculty and other associated members to cultivate
- Happiness and subjective well being.
- To develop character strengths and virtues of students for developing optimism and state of flow.
- To enhance sense of meaning and purpose to develop goal setting attitude and positivity.
- To increase overall Happiness Index and quality of life.
Happiness Cell conducts different activities based on psycho dramatic techniques and positive psychology. It has already conducted and hosted many successful events some of which are, Write a Click, An online interactive session with Mr. DevenderTak, Carnivelesque: A Virtual Fresher’s Party, Patangbaaz-E, The Rainbow Hope, Jaisi Drishti WaisiSrishti. In the coming year happiness cell will be hosting social outreach programs for improving mental health of individuals, Crisis Counselling activities and work for cultivating happiness through Social Relationships. A Workshop on “Behind the Rainbow: Understanding Psychotherapies” and a seminar on Celebrating Life are also in line.
Department of Political Science
Ms. Anju Gupta
Coordinator, Department of Political Science
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
“The method of Political science is the interpretation of life, its instrument is insight, a nice understanding of subtle, unformulated conditions.”
-Woodrow Wilson
The Department of Political Science is the latest addition to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. It was established in the Year 2021, with an objective to promote the understanding of the social sciences and their relation to the real life. Politics is all around us. Aristotle called it the “master science” because it influences all aspects of human life: what we can do, what we can say, where we can live, even what we can eat. There is no escaping politics, but we can discover more effective ways to use it by studying Political Science.
The Department offers under-graduate program in Political ScienceThe program emphasizes on method learning, both quantitative and qualitative. There are courses which introduce the student with distribution and dynamics of power – both at the macro and micro level. We teach how to do research, using data analysis and statistics method, to explore the politics that surrounds us. Students are thus equipped with practical skills they can use outside the classroom. The Department of Political Science encourages students to explore the connections between the major and other disciplines, by cross-listing courses across departments and by encouraging students to ask questions that are not constrained by disciplinary boundaries.
Career Options:
Civil Services, Political Analyst, Legislative Assistant, Social Media Manager, Political Journalist, Marketing Research Analyst, Intelligence Analyst, Academician, Public Relations Specialist, Political Scientist
Cell Politika
Department of Political Science has its own Cell- “Cell Politika” which organizes talks/lectures/seminars on the contemporary and relevant themes in Indian and international politics by eminent speakers. With its aim on bringing holistic development and inculcating confidence into the student, the department does various academic and extra-curricular activities in which the students play a leading role.The Cell arranges field visits for experiential learning.
- The students are a part of “Unnat Bharat Abhyaan” to gain crucial knowledge and nuances of their working through actual interaction.
- Students have participated in Model Youth Parliaments and discussions.
Best Practices:
- The School of Humanities and Social Sciences offers online paid internships to the school students in various domains such as Creative writing, Employability Enhancement Skills, Data Collection & Analysis and Personality and Self Assessment, where the students are trained in specific ways to enhance the skills related to the particular domain which will help them to achieve their future endeavours.
- Research can find answers to things that are unknown, filling gaps in knowledge and changing the way that professionals work. In addition to training the students in the subject, we focus on developing research oriented vision in them. For this purpose the School has proposed Research Orientation Workshops, where the students of the University would be trained to conduct research in their specific discipline and write research papers/articles for the same.
- Practical execution of concepts widens the scope of understanding in the children. To promote the same the School of Humanities and Social Sciences conducts various surveys and projects to give their students an insight into the application of theories and concepts that they read in the class room. Some of these are:
- Pollution taxes :- A case study on abatement of Factories nearby JECRC University
- Blogscape: A blogging project to endorse tourism in Rajasthan
- Spreading Smiles: An endeavour to spread happiness among the senior citizens in rural areas BaazaarVichaar: A survey on Consumer Behaviour in Super Markets
- Satkaar-Ace: A Grooming workshop for the Hospitality Staff
- Conscious Periods: A case study on Physiological changes during PMS
To advance the career prospects of youth who have the potential for high-ranking Civil Service placement but cannot afford the expensive coaching available only in big cities, the Department of Political Science has initiated “JECRC Centre for Civil Services Preparation” for the Under Graduate students of the University.
School of Humanities & Social Sciences offering the following mentioned below programmes:-
Contact us
Plot No.IS-2036 to 2039, Ramchandrapura Industrial Area, Vidhani, Sitapura Extension, Jaipur – 303905 Rajasthan, India
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- You Get Ready
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