“Innovation is seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”
MAKERSPACE is a gravitating concept in India that provides students with a platform to showcase their innovative ideas and turn them into reality. Rajasthan’s first Makerspace was unfurled in JECRC University and was Inaugurated by Mr Hastikaji, Vice president, TCS on 16 th August 2018. Here, they can transform their ideas into tangible reality by engaging in activities such as building, designing, creating, and engineering new products, all with the aim of effecting positive change in society.
There are lots of tools there, like a digital oscilloscope and common ICs and transistors. Since it started about four and a half years ago, it’s grown from one student to seventy, all studying different things. At JU Makerspace, students get to try out 3D modelling, robotics, electronics, woodworking, art, and prop-making. The only rule is that there are no limits except for what a student can imagine.
JECRC University has top-notch technology, including a big 3D printer at the STI hub. It can print objects that are one meter on each side. They focus on different fields like 3-D printing, electronics, mechanics, hardware, and software.
Exploring technologies at Makerspace
3D printing, Hardware, Software, AI-ML, Electronics, Mechanics, Robotics, Arduino
JU Makerspace: Celebrating Remarkable Milestones and Unprecedented Success!
The Honorable former C. M. of Rajasthan, Shri. Ashok Gehlot, praised the #Save_The_Saviours initiative, started by JU Makerspace during the pandemic COVID on social media. JU Makerspace committed to producing 5000+ face shields for hospitals in Delhi NCR for Covid Warriors.
JU Makerspace received funding of rupees 1 Lac in SIH(Smart India Hackathon), an initiative of the Government of India.
The “social distance badge” and “face mask detector” were two significant inventions created by JU Makerspace students in April 2021 to address the pervasive issue of social distancing and mask wearing at the time. This innovation even achieved its place in the columns of the esteemed newspaper of Rajasthan Patrika and was telecasted on various national news channels like ABP News, NEWS Nation, NEWS 18 and ETV India.
Achievements/ Events / Activities
JU Maker Space organized “3D PRINTING WORKSHOP” for inhouse Faculties & Staff. The objective of the Workshop was to introduce the faculties about the Maker Space Culture.

- The honorable CM of Rajasthan, Shri. Ashok Gehlot, praised the #Save_The_Saviours initiative, started by JU Makerspace during pandemic 2020 on social media. JU Makerspace committed to producing 5000+ face shields for hospitals in Delhi NCR as part of this initiative to support our Covid Warriors as they battle it out on the front lines and protect themselves from infection.
- JU Makerspace has signed MOU with :

- JU Makerspace received funding of rupees 1 Lac in SIH(Smart India Hackathon),an initiative of the Government of India.
- The “social distance badge” and “face mask detector” were two significant inventions created by JU Makerspace students in April 2021 to address the pervasive issue of social distance and mask wear at the time. This innovation even achieved its place in the columns of the esteemed newspaper of Rajasthan Patrika and was telecasted on various national news channels like ABP News, NEWS Nation, NEWS 18 and ETV India.
“3D PRINTING WORKSHOP” was organized by JU Makerspace for in-house faculty and staff. The goal of this workshop was to familiarize the faculty with the makerspace culture.
A MINI-MAKER CARNIVAL was organized by JU Makerspace to give students a chance to showcase their creative and interesting projects. A total of 15 projects were made and were exhibited to the public.
During the lockdown, JU Makerspace held an online workshop called “SUMMER WITH MAKERSPACE” as well as a number of free workshops on technologies like Python, Arduino, 3D printing, and control algorithms.
JU MAKERSPACE AND JU E-CELL conducted Ideathon 2021, exclusively for first year students. The motive behind this was to keep innovation and entrepreneurship zeal ignited in running minds. In this event, 300+ JECRC freshmen participated to open up and showcase their ideas.
Winners were facilitated with cash prizes and further encouraged by JU MAKERSPACE AND JECRC INCUBATION CENTRE to transform the ideas into feasible products/business.
JU MAKERSPACE has held hands with ‘MAKERS LAB’, an initiative by TECH MAHINDRA. This would benefit the students of JECRC with latest and prevailing technological skills like Agritech, Defence, IOT, AI/ML. This has also opened doors of opportunities for students for innovative internships and collaborative research and projects with Tech Mahindra.
JECRC University is equipped with latest technology’s Big 3D Printer, which can print objects of size 1 meter X 1 meter X 1 meter (1 meter cube). JU Makerspace got this opportunity to have 3D printing session with Lata Shree 3D creation. The objective of the Workshop was to introduce students about the 3D printing technology.
On September 26, 2022, a robotics workshop was successfully conducted by JU Makerspace and Techfest IIT Bombay. More than 500 people signed up for the workshop. Mr. Mukul Shandilya, the speaker, led an extremely engaging and educational session. It started with an introduction to basic robotics ideas and moved on to a practical LFR project.
A fascinating open source event was held on September 30, 2022, by JU Makerspace and the Azure Developer Community. Vilsi Jain and Abhinav S. led the session. They gave an explanation of open source and its significance. Along with some quizzes, students were taught the fundamentals, including how to create a github account and submit pull requests.
On November 4-5, 2022, JU Makerspace successfully ran a foundation workshop for new members to assist them in beginning their journey at Makerspace. Students learned about hardware, sensors, motors, 3-D printers, Arduino, and other topics that are essential for their upcoming projects and skill development.
For the third time, JU organized the ISRO exhibition from 30 November to 2 December 2022. Former ISO chairman Padma Shree Dr. A.S. Kiran Kumar opened the exhibition. There were registrations and participation in the exhibition from students from every school in Jaipur. The chance for students to see and understand the operation of various JU Makerspace projects, including a 3-D printer, drones, and a wall plotter, was fantastic. Additionally, a platform for AR/VR experience was made available to students.
It was a great honor to have Padma Shree Dr. A.S. Kiran Kumar visited the JU Makerspace lab .He gave his inputs on the development of future plans.
The amount of thought that goes into creating the project boxes, which essentially mimic human conversation, is something we frequently ponder. Machine learning, hardware, and artificial intelligence are all that are required to build one similar to that.
JU Makerspace got a chance to host its very first Carnival, called Maker’s Carnival, which provided an open platform for Makers across India to join and showcase their talents, on 20th and 21st December,2022 at JECRC University, Jaipur.
The carnival had 40+ projects, 11+ drones, 6 institutions, a 4500+ footfall of school and college, 240+ participants, 11 different workshops, 3 startup sessions, and a prize pool of 1 lakh rupees!
The entire team of JU Makerpace worked together before the carnival and successfully completed the projects with the guidance and the support of our mentors. The incredible outcomes of the projects and the event were worth the effort and long hours put in, and working in a team was a fantastic experience.
The event included a variety of workshops where participants got hands-on practice with augmented reality and virtual reality setups, drones, and 3-D printing.
The expert talks were well-received by the young minds because they covered everything from how to generate ideas to the steps involved in launching a project as a finished product.
Along with all the motivating and learning sessions, a jamming session was organized in the evening.
Following speakers were present at the carnival-
- Mr. Peeyush Maharshi – GM – ITC Infotech,
- Mr. Aryan Singh – Founder TensaX Innovation Lab,
- Mr. Akash Kumar Kirori- Founder and CEO North Electric Vehicle,
- Mr. Anand Kirori – DevOps/Cloud Architect at The Boston Consulting Group
- Unmit Mittal – Business content creator
We had a variety of projects in the project display, including survey drones, IOT water plant monitoring systems, go-karts, smart agriculture bots, duphy ducks etc.
The following were winning projects-
- THUNDERBOLT (from Poornima College of Engineering), which won the cash prize of Rs 50,000.
- FLOOR CLEANING ROBOT (by SKIT), and they received a cash prize of Rs 30,000.
- VOICE CONTROLLED ARM ROBOT (by Arya College), received a cash prize of Rs 20,000.
A special prize was also given to Manshika Dubey, a remarkable 9-year-old girl. The young maker won a cash prize of Rs. 10,000 for showcasing her KID SAFETY BAND project, which enhanced child safety.
The two main attendees of the Maker’s Carnival were Neerja Modi School and the Khoj TT College.
This occasion serves as a tangible proof that innovation knows no age restrictions. All ages, from 10 to over 60, had a great time at this enormous carnival put on by JUMakerspace.
Amid Pandemic JU Maker Space launched #Save_The_Saviours Initiative which was applauded by Hon’ble CM of Rajasthan, Sh. Ashok Gehlot on his social media handles.
In the initiative JU Makerspace had committed itself towards manufacturing 5000+ face shields for hospitals of Delhi NCR to help our doctors, paramedics & sanitation workers so that they protect them from infection as they fight it out on the frontline.

These work was much-admired by various National Newspapers
Wall-E-Waste Allocation Load Earth, Robotic Arm, Arduino Based Quadcopter, 2-D plotter, Ornithopter, Laser Harp, LED Cube, 3D Printed Drone, Open CV Screen, TICO – Tic Tac Toe game, IOT based plant care system, RC car simulator, Coffee Machine, Spyder 2.0, Lie Detector, Mecanum Wheel Car, LED Matrix Game, Voice Controlled Iron Man Helmet, Laser Engraving machine, POV Display.
Innologue: An Innovation Talk Series