Hostel Facility.
YOUR HOME- Away from Home
Stanza Living is India’s largest and fastest growing tech-enabled managed accommodation company that delivers a hospitality-led living experience to migrant students and young working professionals across India. They currently cater to 70,000+ residents across 22+ cities in India.
To complement the world-class education that we provide, we’ve entered into a partnership with Stanza Living to bring their world-class accommodation facilities to our university as well. Residents of our hostels will now be able to experience modern student housing at its finest.
The Stanza Living Experience
- Vibrant living spaces – Comfortable rooms and specially designed exercise & recreation zones
- Professional housekeeping – Well-trained staff that take the hassle of cleaning out of our students’ lives
- Healthy& delicious food – An extensive and varied menu that is tailor-made to suit regional palettes, freshly prepared in our kitchens
- Community Engagement programs – Specially curated events and activities & exclusive access to privileges and deals on top brands
- Tech-driven living – An app to choose meals, raise complaints, provide feedback and manage payments
Stanza Living’s ‘COVID-19 Combat Ready’ Framework
Best-in-class Hygiene Process
- Frequent full-building disinfection & deep cleaning
- Sanitisation of high-touch surfaces multiple times daily
- Frequent residence & kitchen health audits by reputed agencies
Proactive Resident Management
- Thermal monitoring at all residence entry/exit Points
- Residents’ medical and travel history recording
- Social distancing norms and markers at common areas
Service Continuity Planning
- 24×7 in-residence staff availability for all support
- Food stock planning and earmarking for multiple months
- 24X7 Quick Response Team & tie-up with medical facilities
COVID-Proof Daily Operations
- First-ever no-touch food delivery & dining facility
- Contactless security infrastructure at entry/exit
- Mandatory PPE for all service delivery staff
Study-from-home Enablement
- Dedicated power-back-up for residences
- Stable working infrastructure including furniture & working space.
Planning and development of the JECRC University campus underscores our belief in the creation of a sound infrastructure for both learning and living. The JECRC University has excellent academic and residential facilities that make up a vibrant campus.
The style of the buildings is unique with large rectangular and linear structures dotted around the 32 acre campus with large courtyards. It has been designed keeping in mind the climatic conditions, still connecting the past with modern and contemporary design. The concept of the JU building and landscape is to create an environment with liveliness as a playground for dreams and a place for inspiration to the students. The campus is built to bring together world class experience which truly represents the character of the University. This commitment reflects in everything that you see here – architecture and layout, landscaping, training and technology infrastructure, residential and recreational facilities. The design of the campus demarcating different zones – Residential, Public Buildings and the Academic blocks breaks the monotony with a transitional space and experience.
A striking highlight of the campus is the classical-style exposed brick-wall buildings with sun-lit and well ventilated interiors which divulge a monumental structure. The cavity wall exposed brick concept ensures that the building gives a temperature difference of almost 8 to 10 degree between the indoor and the outdoor temperature. Adding to the social aspect of green movement natural materials like traditional Kota and Jodhpur stones are used. The identity of the campus is large courtyards between the buildings and the presence of more than 90 different species of plantation around the campus.
This green, energy efficient and eco-friendly campus design goes beyond just the buildings. Beautiful landscaping, choice of shrubs and trees, water harvesting and recycling and waste management practices are in line with a Green Campus.JU is a zero waste campus with the recycling of water used for irrigating the large courtyards. Rainwater harvesting ensures that each drop of rain is conserved. At JU, students may choose to live in the residential housing at the campus itself, soaking in the vibrant neighbourhood or they can live off-campus as paying guests in the city area.
In-campus residential facility for students has been very thoughtfully designed and planned. Each unit in the JU Hostel Complex allows privacy and personal space to a student while giving a chance to live together and foster comradeship. Just as in apartment, three/four private, single occupancy rooms open into a common living room equipped with a television set ( optional in AC rooms), internet access. The hostels are air-conditioned, comfortable and conducive for the students to have a productive campus life, providing a perfect setting for academic pursuits.
Hostels are provided by the University for the convenience of students. In order to ensure proper utilization of the hostels and to maintain the facilities for comfortable and orderly life for the students in the hostels, there is need to lay down rules and regulations for the hostels. This document lays down these rules and will be called “Rules and Regulations for JECRC University Hostels”.
Separate hostels are maintained for boys and girls. The mess and dining facilities may be common. All students will adhere to the rules. Hostel rules & regulations are available on JECRC University website. www.jecrcuniversity.edu.in
Rules for Admission in Hostel
- Only admitted candidates are eligible for Hostel allotment.
- Hostel will be allotted for a minimum period of one academic year, i. e Two Semesters.
- Fee shall be suitably revised in subsequent years.
- The allotment of rooms will be made by the Director Hostels/ Chief Warden based on the applications submitted by the candidates.
- Admission and continued stay in the hostel will depend on academic performance, good behaviour and conduct of the student.
- The students shall stay in the allotted rooms. Change in rooms will be allowed only with the prior permission of Director Hostels/ Chief Warden.
- The hostellers with chronic medical problems may be asked to vacate the rooms as personal medical care by parents / guardian may be necessary.
- If a student is expelled / suspended from the University/Hostel for any reason he/she shall immediately vacate the hostel on the day of expulsion / suspension from the University/Hostel. His/her continuance in the hostel will be treated as unauthorized occupation. No refund will be made in such cases and outstanding fee will be recovered in full.
- The hostellers themselves are personally responsible to safeguard their belongings. They are not to keep too much of cash or valuables like gold, costly wristwatches etc., in their rooms. They should also take care of their wallets, calculators, mobile, Laptops and books. In case of theft or loss of any items, it should be reported to authorities. The hostellers are advised to keep their\ rooms, boxes, suitcases, cupboards, etc., securely locked with good quality locks.
- Admission and Continuation of stay of a student in the hostel is subject to the discretion of the Hostel Administration.
Hostel Rules & Regulations
- All movements from and to the hostels shall be recorded in the movement register kept with hostel\ Warden in the hostel and should be properly signed by the Hostellers.
- There will be daily attendance in the hostel. The timing for attendance is 10:00 PM every day. All Hostellers are required to be present in their rooms compulsorily.
- The hostel rooms are subject to inspection by the University / Hostel authorities to ensure that they are kept neat and tidy and no unauthorized items like liquor, drugs, lethal weapons etc., are kept in the rooms. Possession of any lethal weapons or any instrument or in contrivance with anybody else which is likely to cause physical harm to others, is strictly prohibited.
- Wards shall maintain SILENCE in the hostel premises including rooms, bathrooms, corridors and common areas etc. Wards shall not cause inconvenience, annoyance or disturbance to others.
- The hostellers shall not enter into any unnecessary conversation, quarrel or altercation with the hostel staff. If anyone has any complaint against any employee of the hostel, a written complaint shall be lodged with the Dy. Director Hostels. Use of abusive, vulgar and un parliamentary language against the hostel/mess staff and others is strictly forbidden. Any complaint received from staff / faculty against students will be taken seriously.
- If any hosteller is found indulging in any form of ragging i.e. instigation / intimidation / threat to any other hostellers he / she will be asked to vacate the hostel forthwith. In this regard, the decision of the Registrar shall be final and binding on the individual’s concerned.
- SMOKING is prohibited in the hostel buildings & University campus GAMBLING in any form such as playing cards (even without money at stake), consumption of ALCOHOL, use of DRUGS and NARCOTICS and possession of such things is prohibited. Anyone found indulging in the use of such things will not only be asked to vacate the hostel but may also be rusticated from the University.
- Day scholars are not allowed in the hostel. Hostellers should not encourage entry of day scholars.
- Celebrating BIRTHDAYS and other parties inside the hostel rooms is strictly prohibited.
- Students are not allowed to play CRICKET and other OUTDOOR games inside the hostels.
- When leaving the rooms for attending classes Fans, Electrical Gadgets, Lights etc, should be switched off. Windows should be closed securely.
- Hostellers coming to the Hostel after the gate closing hours without prior permission or without valid reason will be fined. Regular late comers will not be allowed to stay in the hostel. Hostels main gates will be closed at 10:00 PM (Boys) and 9:00 PM (Girls).
- Water should be carefully used and not wasted.
- Wrong entry, improper / lack of entry in exit register, signing on behalf of another person, tampering with the entries, proxy attendance and misguidance of any nature are punishable. Any quarrel between or among roommates should be reported to the hostel Warden for appropriate action. Absentees /Latecomers (without prior permission from the warden) will be liable for disciplinary action.
- Students coming late or absenting themselves regularly will be expelled from the Hostel. Such students shall not be readmitted into the hostels.
- Students are not allowed to keep any power driven two wheeler / four wheeler vehicles in the hostel campus without specific permission.
- Use of Laptops: The usage of Lap Top is permitted for academic purpose only. The usage of Electrical/ Electronic/ Personal router/ LPG gas and burner/ Electric Room Heater/ Emersion rod/ Iron any type of unauthorized equipmentsare strictly prohibited. The University / Hostel authorities will conduct surprise checks periodically and if anyone is found violating the above rule or surfing illegal sites, disciplinary action will be taken.
- Students should visit the hostel office only during visiting hours. Students should read the circulars put up at all Notice Boards and be updated with the functioning of the hostel.
- Violation of Hostel Rules would result in disciplinary action and serious violations would be referred to the “Disciplinary Committee” for major penalties. The decision of the committee would however be final.
- Study Hours: Hostellers will not be allowed in their rooms during University/ College classes timings. Information of absence from the class will be informed to parents and respective HoDs. Disciplinary action will be taken against such habitual Hostellers.
Rules for Leave & Outing
- Boys will be allowed an out pass from 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM every day. However on 3rd Saturday, University holidays and Sundays the out pass will be allowed from 8:00 AM to 8:30 PM. On request, night out pass will be allowed only with prior permission of Dy. Director Hostels.
- Girls will be allowed an out pass from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM every day. On 3rd Saturday, University holidays and Sundays, Girls will be permitted to go out from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
- Night out pass for all girls will be permitted on the request from the parents to visit local guardian only.
- Proper record of night out pass will be maintained in the hostels.
- Vacating of hostel will be permitted after one academic year (i.e. two semesters) only.
Mess Rules
- All the students staying in the hostel will take their meals in the University Mess.
- The meal timings as displayed at the entrance of the\ dining hall shall be strictly adhered to. Meals will not be served outside the prescribed timings.
- Students are required to carry their identity cards while going for meals failing which service in the dining hall is liable to be refused, for want of identification.
- Dining hall furniture like chairs, tables, etc., and utensils are not to be taken out of the dining hall. If anyone is found taking these properties out, he / she will be suitably penalized.
- The Mess kitchen is strictly “Out of Bounds” for the students / parents / guardians.
- Sick persons will be allowed mess food in the room, only if the student registers his / her name with the hostel Warden.
- The hostellers shall not waste food, electricity & water. Wastage of food is a national loss. If anyone is found\ indulging in such wastage, he / she will be asked to vacate the hostel, since wastage causes unnecessary and unavoidable expenditure to others.
Property Damage and Recovery
- Rough handling of dining hall furniture, room furniture or any furniture / property or fittings of the hostel is strictly forbidden.
- The cost of damages will be recovered in the following manner:
- If any individual or group is identified to have caused the damage, double the cost of damaged items will be recovered from him / her / group. Repetition of damage to the hostel property will result in expulsion from the hostel.
- If damage is done in anyone of the rooms and the person(s) is / are not identified then double the cost will be recovered from the room-mates collectively.
- If a damage is done outside the rooms i.e., in common places like corridors, recreation halls, mess etc., and the person (s) is / are not identified, then double the cost will be recovered, floor wise or block wise or from all students staying in that hostel, as the case may be.
- Any individual who is found guilty of damaging the property will be fined cost of the item broken + 100% cost of the item, as fine.
Arrangements at the time of Vacation
- All hostel students will vacate their rooms before proceeding on summer vacation.
- A separate cloak room will be made available to keep their belongings while proceeding on vacation. Personal belongings should be placed inside locked suitcases, trunks / boxes which should bear complete details of the student. The items kept inside the room will be entered in the note book kept by the hostel superintendent.
- Students should return to the hostels a day before commencement of classes for the next semester.
- In case a student wants to vacate the hostel, parent’s approval is mandatory. However, Hostel fee is not refundable and balance fee will be recovered.
Ambulance Facility
- 24 Hours Ambulance service is available in the Hostel premises for any emergency.
Declaration by the Students and Parents/ Guardian
I have read the regulations of JECRC University Hostel and I shall abide by the same as amended from time to time.
I assure that my ward shall abide by the rules and regulations of the JECRC University Hostel and I have no objection if my ward is rusticated from the hostel for violating the same.