JECRC was again chosen as the nodal centre for the world’s biggest innovation model Smart India Hackathon 2018 for the second time in a row. 400+ students participated in the Mega event to solve the total of 340 problems posed by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Prime Minister, Narendra Modi interacted with the proud participants of #SIH2018 through live video conferencing. Participants were very excited to share their views and gain experiences of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Prof. A. P. Mittal, Member Secretary AICTE inaugurated the event. Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting felicitated the Valedictory Ceremony of Smart India Hackathon 2018. Passion is the genesis of the genius and with such a great passion & efforts shown by the organizers throughout the event for 36 hours made this national level digital competition a huge success. After their 36 hour long dedication, Linguistic Panda of Delhi won the Mega event Smart India Hackathon 2018. It was indeed a memorable experience for all of us.