5th Convocation Ceremony

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JECRC University celebrated its Fifth Convocation Ceremony on January 08th, 2022.  Following the guidelines of the State Government and considering the COVID-19 and Omicron threats,for the wellbeing of all the students and parents,the ceremony was virtually organized this time with limited attendance in physical mode.
In his presidential address Shri O.P. Agrawal, Chairperson, JECRC University congratulated all the graduates and motivated them to inspire not only the coming generations of JECRC University but of the World at large.
The event was graced by the benign presence of Dr. Kailasavadivoo Sivan,Chairman, Indian Space Research Organization, India as the Chief Guest.In his Convocation address, he emphasized the power of the youth of India and inspired them to accept new challenges in their lives. His convocation address was quite inspiring and insightful.The University conferred the Honorary D.Sc. (Honoris Causa) to Dr. KailasavadivooSivanonin this occasion.
Dr. Sivan distributed the degrees to 1448 graduates. In the Ceremony 38 Gold, 32 Silver and 32 Bronze Medals were being awarded to the top rankers of the University. Eight Ph.D. Degrees were also distributed on this occasion.
Prof. Victor Gambhir, President, JECRC University, Prof. Ramrattan, Pro-President, JECRC University, Sh. S.L. Agarwal, Registrar and all Deans of various schools were present on this occasion.
Due to the restricted number of physical attendance, only Ph.D. Awardees and medalists attended the ceremony in physical mode. All other faculty members, Graduates and their parents attended this Convocation Ceremony virtually in a huge number. The event was live streaming on Facebook and University’s Official Website. Everyone appreciated the smooth conduct of the ceremony.
At the end of the ceremony, Prof. Sanjay K. Sharma, Dean (Research) and Convener, 5th Convocation-2022 expressed the Vote of Thanks and conveyed his gratitude to all the stakeholders. The Ceremony concluded with National Anthem.

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